Mobile Bay SELTI Contest Update

Fairytale CastleAll of the submissions are in and judging is underway for the Mobile Bay SELTI Tourism Writing Contest. Thank you so much to everyone who spent their time, talent, and passion on this project. While there can only be one winner of this contest, there are sometimes publishing opportunities out there for finalists beyond the contest. For example, just today the latest issue of Lookout Alabama magazine arrived at my house. The summer issue includes a beautiful publication of Melonie King’s short tourism story “Udowhi Odalv” (Beautiful Mountain), which was one of the five finalists in the Lookout Alabama SELTI Writing Contest last year. Lookout Alabama magazine has been publishing a different finalist story in each quarterly edition since Natalie Cone’s first-place story “The Totem” was published in the inaugural edition last summer. I have been so proud to see all of the Lookout Alabama SELTI Writing Contest finalists being published in such a gorgeous magazine.

So be creative not just in your story ideas but where you submit your stories. Tourism fiction can be published in more than one place, and many publishers might just love the idea of writing fiction set in real places that readers can visit. For now, please be patient on the judging, as there is more than one judge working on the contest. As soon as all the final results are in, I will notify the entrants. We will be working through the month of June to select the finalists and winner.

Update: the winner of the Mobile Bay SELTI Tourism Writing Contest has been selected and notified. Please visit SELTI soon to see the finished winning story!

June 3, 2014

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