Lookout Alabama SELTI Writing Contest Finalists Announced

Cook Castle, the venue where the winner of the Lookout Alabama SELTI Writing Contest will be announced. Cook Castle is the home of Jeff Cook, of the famous Fort Payne music group Alabama. Photo by Cook Castle Events. The winner of the Lookout Alabama SELTI Writing Contest will be announced May 10 during the Lookout 2013 […]

Read More Lookout Alabama SELTI Writing Contest Finalists Announced
April 27, 2013

Alabama Legislature Passes Resolution Inviting Authors To Write Tourism Fiction Set In Real Alabama Attractions

Senator Clay Scofield presents writer Kathryn Lang with the 2012 SELTI Tourism Fiction Award for her story that promoted Moundville Archaeological Park. Now the Alabama Senate is asking writers across the state to follow up with more tourism stories. Write it, and they will come! That is the concept behind Alabama Senate Resolution SJR25, “Expressing support […]

Read More Alabama Legislature Passes Resolution Inviting Authors To Write Tourism Fiction Set In Real Alabama Attractions
April 6, 2013